collection of water in an elevator pit

Contained water, elevator pits and mosquito breeding

Florida summers are an invitation for mosquitoes to thrive. Warmer temperatures and higher moisture levels in the summer attract disease-carrying mosquitoes. More rainfall means a higher probability of seeing areas with contained water– a breeding ground for mosquitoes. These breeding…

What You Need to Know About Elevator Pit Liquid Disposal Regulations and Violations

It is necessary to maintain a clean elevator pit, and it goes beyond making sure trash beneath the elevator is cleared. Making sure that your elevator pit is waterproofed is another way to avoid messy problems and health risks. For…

water seeps through elevator pit walls

Florida’s rain season is arriving– Elevator pit at risk

Florida, known for its tropical climate, gets heavy rains beginning May through October– with the consideration of hurricane season that barrels in June 1 through Nov. 30. The coastal state's vulnerability to heavy rains and severe storms is nothing new…

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